Anechoic chambers are controlled environments designed to eliminate reflections of electromagnetic waves and to enable precise, reproducible measurements of electronic and RF systems, while also providing a free‑space testing environment.

how it works

An anechoic chamber is a Faraday cage with pyramid-shaped absorbing materials covering the conductive walls. These structures absorb waves, eliminate interference and echoes, but also prevent reflections and refractions, while simulating an infinite space around the RF system to enable precise measurements.


Wireless communication devices

Evaluate the performance of devices such as smartphones, Wi-Fi routers, antennas and IoT devices, measuring their radiation and sensitivity without external interference.


Design and optimization of antennas and sensors in free-field conditions, without reflective interference.

Conformity test

Checks that devices comply with regulatory standards for electromagnetic emissions and susceptibility.

What's THE HYMAG'IN's point?

Fig. EM field in a housing without absorber in response to a 6 GHz plane wave, amplitude 1 V (calculated)

Fig. EM field in an anechoic chamber with absorbers in response to a 6 GHz plane wave, amplitude 1 V (calculated)

HYMAG'IN offers 3D-printed absorbers, FILAMAG-F, providing:

  • Compact surfaces: Offer a space-saving solution suitable for measurement enclosures.
  • Wide frequency coverage: Ensure effective EM wave absorption across a broad range of frequencies, allowing various RF devices to be tested.
  • Adaptable geometry: Maximize absorption performance through customizable plate shapes.