EMC: Resonant Cavity

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues represent a major challenge in the development and integration of electronic devices. EMC aims to ensure that equipment operates correctly in its electromagnetic environment without generating or suffering disruptive interference.

how it works

In resonant cavity, electronic components and antennas emit waves that are reflected on the metal walls of the cavity. These reflected waves disturb the circuit by generating interference that impair data transfer.

  • Internal reflections: The metal structure amplifies certain frequencies and increases residual EM fields.
  • Stray radiation: Reflected waves cause interference and measurement or signal disruptions.

The applicable solution is to add absorber within the case, in order to limit internal reflections and reduce parasitic radiation.


Cavities resonate at different frequencies depending on their size.

For a box measuring L=6 cm, W=4 cm, h=3 cm, our cavity resonates for the first time at 2.5 GHz, which is a frequency within the Wi-Fi band.


Conducted and radiated emissions

Electronic circuits emit electromagnetic waves which can disturb other nearby equipments (radiation) or propagate via power and data cables (conduction).

Interference between components

Within a single system, electronic boards, antennas, cabling or connectors can generate mutual interference, which adversely affects overall performance.

Insufficient immunity

Some devices are not sufficiently protected against external electromagnetic interference, resulting in operating errors.

What's THE HYMAG'IN's point?

Fig. Transmission coefficient between two SMA connectors in a resonant cavity

Our 3D-printed FILAMAG-F absorber eliminates resonant cavities.

HYMAG'IN offers 3D-printed absorbers, FILAMAG-F, providing:

  • Custom optimization: Adjustable geometries to maximize absorption in specific configurations.
  • Compatibility with confined spaces: Compact solutions adapted to restricted environments.
  • Ease of implementation: Quick installation and easy integration into existing systems.

For instance, our honeycomb structure showcases advanced adaptability, with thicknesses precisely tailored to specific frequencies, ensuring optimal absorption performance:

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