Reading time : 5 min
In just six months since the beginning of 2024, HYMAG'IN has made remarkable progress and achieved numerous milestones.
We are thrilled to share our latest updates and accomplishments with you through this press release. We also want to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has supported and continues to support us in reaching our goals.
HYMAG’IN’s past 6 months in key figures

HYMAG'IN gets the year off to a great start
By February 2024, HYMAG'IN had successfully engaged with multiple business angel networks, showcasing the strength of its potential. This engagement resulted in securing a total of €2.2 million in financing. The funds have enabled HYMAG'IN to significantly enhance its sales activities both in France and internationally, while continuing its industrialisation efforts.
The HYMAG’IN team is growing
As the year has progressed, we have welcomed two new members to the HYMAG'IN team. First, we brought on board our inaugural industrialisation process engineer, whose expertise will help optimise our production and industrialisation operations. This initiative is expected to significantly expand our production line by 2025. Additionally, we have hired an office manager to efficiently handle our administrative tasks.
But that's not everything! HYMAG'IN also welcomed 4 interns, specialized in chemistry as well as in marketing and communication. Their contributions have been invaluable, bringing fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and additional expertise to our team.
HYMAG'IN's active presence at numerous events
Over the past 6 months, HYMAG'IN has appeared at a number of exhibitions in Europe, including Eurosatory, the JNM (a National Conference on Microwave systems), the CEPAS Days as well as EMV. HYMAG’IN plan to attend even more events in the second half of the year. These events have given us the opportunity to meet a lot of you, to better understand your needs and problematics and work together to find a suited solution.
A well received new service offering
In the first half of this year, HYMAG'IN has embarked on 4 R&D projects. These endeavors include the synthesis of magnetic particles with specific properties, product characterisation, and assistance with the electromagnetic accounting of systems. We are more than pleased to contribute to your development. If you're interested, stay tuned for our next press release, which will focus on our R&D studies service.
Enhanced communication efforts by HYMAG'IN
As you may have noticed, HYMAG'IN has significantly enriched its communication efforts. We are now publishing a monthly press release that highlights various aspects of our activities, including our participation in exhibitions, the launch of new products and innovations, and our major achievements. In addition, we’ve increased our LinkedIn updates to twice a week to offer a broader range of content. Our aim is to give you a more comprehensive view of the HYMAG'IN journey. We greatly value your feedback, as it helps us refine our content and motivates us to continue delivering engaging and valuable information.

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